Expand: The 6 Month Mentorship:


This is for the magnificent woman who:

  • Feels deeply called to the spotlight - to be an expert in her industry, and a global brand of the highest tier - and is seeking an action plan to do just that

  • Is committed to seeing results - in her personal life and her work - and aligning with the support she needs to make it happen

  • Wants her business to feel like a pleasure and a joy, instead of an endless struggle and uphill climb

  • Strives to rise up above the noise, but finds herself getting lost in the shuffle some days, even with an audience who adores her

  • Understands the importance of authenticity, and having every bit of work, and every part of her life, show up as her most authentic self

  • Craves more confidence and security as she takes major strides in her business; as she boldly presents ideas and programs that may be the first of their kind

  • Desires the gift of being truly present, for herself, for her clients, and for her vision

  • Has been aching to finally wash away the stories from her past that have kept her attached to outcomes, and terrified of judgement, so she can make decisions from a space of complete clarity


And this is how we will play:

This 6 month experience includes bi-weekly 1-1 sessions with me, utilizing the highest echelons of my training.

We’ll begin with a full-day Ignite Intensive, to immerse ourselves in your current state, and the future your soul is calling out for. This is our opportunity to craft a roadmap for what you truly desire. I’ll be beside you for the next 6 months, as your pillar of support, your guide, and your coach throughout your beautiful transformation process.

Over the 6 months, we’ll meet for an hour every week, to explore your progress, refine your strategies, and keep you moving toward your biggest goals. You’ll be able to ask me any questions on your mind, work on developing and mastering your craft, and get the honest feedback you need to make decisions from a place of authentic awareness.

We’ll also come together for a half-day intensive, halfway through your program. This is our opportunity to further explore the momentum you’ve created, perfect your systems, and create a container for your continued success.

My goal is to help you become your most productive, powerful, and present self, free from your past struggles and challenges, and courageously prepared for what’s next. At the end of our 6 months, you’ll become a clear channel for your clients and readers to soak in your brilliance, and begin their own transformations in kind.

(And that’s a recipe for total magnetism. Clarity that drives productivity. Sales, and increased income.)


It’s time to show up as you are, and in your power.

It’s time to feel spacious in your experience of yourself and your work - instead of cluttered and trapped.

It’s time to stop hiding behind the overwhelm, and the worry “What if nobody likes me?” and stand up for your truth in a way that’s beautiful, unmistakable, and elevates you to the higher levels of experience you desire.

Every day, every moment, you will discover that you can create, build, and change more lives than you ever thought possible.


You have one life. Make it amazing - for yourself, and everyone you meet.

This is the journey I’m inviting you on. Will you join me?


And after we dance, expect to feel:

  • Centered, and completely prepared for the journey ahead, as you step into the brilliance you were born to live

  • Clearer than you have ever felt; about your gifts, your training, and the way you’ll be collaborating with clients

  • Like the hesitation holding you back from trying that new offering, going after those big prospects, or shifting your brand has melted away, and you know exactly what to do

  • That every moment of attention you give to your business is valuable, focused, and will help you generate the income and recognition you desire

  • Validated, as you are recognized, heard, and paid for the genius you really are

  • On-point with everything you brand and create, because you’ve built an unshakeable foundation of authenticity

  • Alive, as your message and philosophies take flight and reach a bigger and bigger audience, every. single. freakin’. day.

  • Full of excitement for the experience you’re creating for your clients, how you want them to feel, and how you’ll deliver that with a virtual bow on top

  • Grounded in the knowledge of exactly who you are, and what you’re here to give

  • Like you’re moving forward with a new, sparkling white page, no longer held back by fear or past obstacles.

  • Completely able to start taking action, writing, and SEEING this new phase of your life in crystal clear retina vision

  • Immersed again in the joy of creating you felt when you first started your business, and sparkling with possibility


All Expand Mentorship participants must step into a 30-minute session with me. 

(I adore you already - but we have to make sure we’re a fit for this commitment. Click here to take the first step.)